cold sores

美 [koʊld sɔrz]英 [kəʊld sɔːz]
  • n.唇疱疹;嘴边疱疹
  • cold sore的复数
cold sorescold sores

cold sores


  • 1
    N-COUNT (感冒时唇鼻处出现的)冷疱疹,唇疱疹
    Cold sores are small sore spots that sometimes appear on or near someone's lips and nose when they have a cold.

  1. I suffer badly from cold sores and dread them appearing on my wedding day


  2. Unlike cold sores , canker sores appear inside the mouth .


  3. By age 50 , 80 to 90 percent of people will have the herpes virus that causes cold sores .


  4. To treat cold sores and fever , it is important to understand the causes to prevent cold sores from occurring .


  5. Tea tree essential oil can also be used has a treatment for cold sores , acne , verrucae and warts .


  6. Infection with HSV-1 , the herpes virus that causes cold sores , does not make a person shed HSV-2 more or less often .


  7. Recurring herpes lesions look like multiple tiny fluid-filled blisters ( cold sores ) that most commonly appear around the edge of the lips .


  8. For those patients who developed cold sores , healing time was significantly decreased , being lowered by1.5 days in the active treatment group vs in the placebo group .


  9. Recurrent herpes simplex labialis , also known as cold sores or orofacial herpes , is a common diseases caused by herpes simplex virus infection .


  10. Annoying and definitely unsightly , cold sores , also called fever blisters or Herpes simplex , are groups of painful , fluid-filled blisters .


  11. Most people are infected with this virus , which then remains life-long in the peripheral nervous system , and in20-40 % of those infected it causes cold sores .


  12. In traditional Chinese medicine , excessive internal heat is tied to symptoms like cold sores and dehydration , which can be treated by eating " cooling " foods like cucumber or watermelon .


  13. Type I typically produces a cluster of small blisters ( cold sores , or fever blisters ), usually on the lips or face ; it can also infect the eyes .


  14. For cold sores dab neat Tea Tree Essential Oil directly onto the burning sensation at the first signs of a cold sore , or use it mixed with a little vodka .


  15. But the drug , known by the acronym DRACO , is also expected to zap measles and German measles , cold sores , rabies and even HIV – and could be on pharmacy shelves in a decade .


  16. They tested the immune response to infection by the Herpes Simplex Virus 2 , which can cause cold sores and is a notoriously difficult virus to treat due to its ability to evade the immune system by dampening down the body 's inflammatory response .
